Sunday 26 July 2020

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So somewhere during lockdown and the rewatch-athon blogs I passed an incredible milestone without even realising it was coming.

I've had over ONE MILLION views from all you wonderful readers!  That's ridiculous!!!

It's not something I'd ever expected or set out to achieve, I just clicked a page on my stat tracking last week and found I was at 1,014,000 already and I wanted to thank everyone who has ducked into my blog for a sneaky read or two over the last four years*.  I've never chased any of this and I write for myself almost as a form of meditation, but I am truly staggered to have hit a milestone like this and I appreciate all the attention you've given me.

For those interested: my most popular hit-generating blogs have by far been the Buying Guides, but aside from those the biggest blogs was actually pretty much tied between how to loadout ARC-170s back in first edition, and my attempts to peer behind the curtain into the inner workings of FFG earlier this year.


Because there's actually not been a lot to write a proper full length blog about during lockdown - no tournaments, metagame shifts or new products to write about - I've joined the digital revolution and you can now also find me on Instagram as sotl_xwing.  

Instagram is a great platform for sharing little nuggets of ideas, squad lists, repaints and the like that don't really warrant a full blog - at the moment you'll mostly find me singing the praises of Captain Phasma as the best named TIE/sf pilot.

And the other thing that changed during lockdown was that as the world ended around me the lone wolf lifestyle finally got a bit too lonely and I joined a team: the Sith Takers based out of Element Games in Stockport.  You may well already be familiar with the Sith Takers due to their fantastic Snap Shots podcast or their Twitch channel.  You may even have played in some of the Sith Takers cups, leagues or knock outs arranged by Ben Hibbert during lockdown.  With some actual X-Wing news hopefully in the horizon keep your eyes and ears peeled for more content coming out of the Sith Takers soon, and you may even find your friendly neighbourhood Stay On The Leader popping in on the team's channels now and then.

Thanks once again for all those million views and I trust that I'll be back soon with actual X-Wing content to blog about (and you can find me in Instagram until then).  In the meantime stay safe, wear a mask, obey the rules, look after each other, and don't forget to fly casual as often as you can!

* Just to set the record straight because it has been brought up before: despite Google's best efforts to persuade me otherwise you won't find any adverts scattered around my blog and I've never monetised a single one of your clicks.  You won't find me on Patreon trying to raise funds either.  That's absolutely not a knock on anybody who does have a Patreon, it's just not what I'm doing this for and I run a cheap operation anyway - I only need a keyboard and wifi!

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